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  车辆表明   1. 取香格里拉帘的雅士之感,又优化提升了木百页而使质量没有安装使用特种位置上的优势,状如木百页,却更显轻柔高贵典雅。   With the elegance of the shangri-la blinds and It also optimizes the   disadvantages of wood louver because its weight cannot be installed   in special position. It like the wooden blinds, but more gentle and elegant.   2. 叶轮叶片也可翻折调光,能很好的隔开红外光谱线和太阳的光光的阳光照射,节约能源绿化环保性好。   Its slats can also be turned over and dimmed, which can effectively isolate   the direct sunlight and UV light from the sun, saving energy and protecting   environment.   3. 制定新奇,可规模经营弯折,且轻易复合,复合性更加强。   Its design is novel, its slat can be moderately curved, and easy to restore,   recovery is very strong.   4. 风衣面料防水防潮,不宜沾附油污,不一样故意的清洁,只需长期需注意掸下积尘既能。   Waterproof fabric, not easy to stain, don't have to clean it up deliberately,   just dust off once in a while.   5. 宽幅纤柔,大方自然,舒适感强,柔化所有家装条件。   Broad but light, appearance is attractive, privacy is strong, soften the whole   household environment.   6. 推存技术应用部分:门厅、卧室室、办公装修室。   Recommended using space: living room, master bedroom, office.   静雅帘展示出整齐一点、美观的视线郊果,摆动式调光方案更能随着调准光束,能够满足厂区室外明暗的要求。运作非常简单,私人空间强,有无效防护红外光谱线,有效降低厂区室外室温。最合适房子、办工室、美式甜品店等的地方运用。   Jingya Blinds (Fabric Venetian Blinds) shows neat, generous visual effect,   the Turnover Dimming Mode can adjust the sunshine arbitrarily, meeting


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